Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An Electric Heart

Seeing someone you care for greatly is online makes your heart leap because it's a reminder that they're there- that someone so wonderful exists. That you are there together, existing in the same space. At least for this tiny moment in time, you're both just two of the same little dots, searching for a connection. It's a reminder that we are more than just our bodies, the sum of our parts, that our minds and souls are not limited to the strict interactions of our physical bodies and presence. A reminder that the person you so care for is limited and liberated in the same ways and is in fact, a human being, just like you. Nothing can replace the interactions of the personal, but this interaction gives me the courage to face other people more confidently because it reminds me that after all...they are people.

All people possess the ability and sympathy to love. It seems to transcend all boundaries, it certainly seems to go beyond that of our bodies. Love itself seems to have no body, yet it is alive and fighting. Unlike other life forms, it seems to be able to live anywhere, or at least travel anyplace (like through the internet). Our human similarities and the seemingly limitless capabilities of love is just one more thing that keeps me believing that I am a part of something bigger and stronger than myself. Maybe it's bigger than all of us together because somehow it just keeps bringing us together despite our efforts to be selfish. So yes, even something as seemingly shallow as social media gives me hope and makes me believe.

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