Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The High Points of Nature

My good friend, Jen Smith (Erin Rusmi) is a very unique person. Erin very connected to nature. She loves the ocean, trees, planting her own plants, is a vegetarian and hates killing anything alive including bugs. I have to agree with her on that one, but in any case, this makes her unique individual.

Awww, now look how cute he (or she) is!

Erin is also a Wiccan. I don't think I know anyone else who's a Wiccan. I never had a problem with Wiccans but I do admit I was ignorant about the Wiccan beliefs (I still don't know a lot about it to be honest, for those of you that are curious, here is a website But after talking to Erin, I do know that she sees evidence of something higher when in the presence of beautiful nature. 

"I don't believe in "God" in the more concrete way that some people do, but I definitely feel like we're all connected and we're a part of something bigger and nature makes me feel that most strongly. I used to climb trees really high and look down and see everything. When we went camping I could see this big beautiful forest. And... I guess that seeing stuff from trees showed a visual of a bigger community I was in or part of, and if God was in heaven or up in the sky s/he would see something like that."

I think we've all been up at a really high point and looked down on the world below. Hiking and coming to the top of a big hill or cliff. Erin felt that being up in the trees, all dirty and covered with ants, as I think she told me, perhaps she felt held aloft by the branches of mother nature. Held up to see the world below. There is such a big world, filled with all kinds of plants, flowers, strange fungus, millions of animals burried deep in the heart of the jungle we haven't even discovered yet. They say the deepest ocean trenches are still undiscovered but yielding new species all the time.

People, for all our advanced brains and research still haven't found out all there is to know about the nature of our little planet. Its vastness and power as well as calm beauty have left us all in awe at some point in our lives. 

If this is something that helps Erin to believe their is/are more powerful beings or spirits or whatever you call it by, I'd say I'd have to agree with her on that. Cheers to mother nature. We couldn't survive without you.

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