Saturday, May 12, 2012

Newborn Babies

It seems only fitting that the first blog post be about new life since this is a new post. It's also something new that I'm trying to help myself be more positive and sort of "turn over a new leaf," so this is the story and subject that I chose for today:

I asked my mother once what made her believe in a God. She thought about it for bit and then told me, "Babies. When you hold a newborn baby, you know there's a God."

Now I personally am not really a baby person, I seem to exhibit very little to no maternal instinct. However, I can acknowledge some miracle (of sorts) in what my mother said. It's so amazing to see what two people can create (whether on purpose or on accident, lol). From something smaller than the eye can visibly see, comes a new life altogether. This little person will have an effect on the world in which we all live. It doesn't matter how long they inhabit the world, they will have an effect on someone, something, somewhere. Its amazing what is created from just two people being together. Babies tend to also bring and tie people together. Whether this comes from maternal/paternal instincts, lawful reasons, whatever, the world working together is a good thing. And babies are something I'm grateful for.

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